Jalax produces a wide range of metal parts. Thanks to in-house engineers who work closely with our clients, we guarantee cost-efficiency and the economical use of materials. Our high-tech machinery allows us to manufacture parts from both sheet metal and tube profiles, and weld them into complete components. Additionally, we can powder coat all products.
MAG Robotic Welding
AS Jalax uses Motoman welding robots, which are known for their reliability. Newer robots also have more modern welding functions, such as ThinWise (analogous to CMT welding) and the like. We have robots of different desktop sizes, so we can also weld larger frames. We weld robots to carbon steel products. Our welding robot operators are experienced and trained and we have also certified them according to EN14732.
Jalax AS, established in 1993, has grown over two decades from a small metal workshop into a modern high-tech facility that manufactures metal components for the world’s leading industrial companies. Our factory in Estonia employs 150 people and continues to expand.